Booking Tips to reserve a train to Europe
For booking a train ticket to Europe to stations other than the Eurostar mainline stations: Lille, Paris, Brussels, we suggest you use Eurostar to price your through journey first.
Then compare the through journey with Rail Europe
Through tickets are more convenient as you will make one online booking, with little chance of making a mistake. However, it may be considerably cheaper to split the booking into two:
Price the ticket as just as far as the Eurostar mainline station with Eurostar, and, separately, using Rail Europe (SNCF), or German Rail (DER), price the onward domestic ticket.
You may reduce the fare considerably.
An alternative to Rail Europe and worth taking the time to check, is French railways SNCF direct, but you must use the French Language Site*
Booking Tips for Booking French Railways French Language Site
If your French is really poor, use Google Chrome as your web browser as there is an automated page translator which will help.
You will be asked, “Sélectionnez le pays de réception ou de retrait des billet” which translates as “Select the country of receipt or withdrawal of the ticket”
If you choose Grande Bretagne you will be redirected to a Rail Europe site which may cost you more.
Choose e-billet …“Imprimez ou modifiez votre confirmation e-billet en ligne quand vous voulez” which translates as Print or edit your e-ticket confirmation online when you want
You can even choose to book now and pay later! (Ou posez une simple option et payez plus tard)
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